Webinar: Human Brain Project outreach event
The aim of this webinar is to inform the Danish neuroscience community about activities and progress in the Human Brain Project (HBP). Furthermore we will discuss how Danish research and innovation can benefit from HBP research
Webinar: Frameworks and financing models for Research Infrastructures in Europe
The Human Brain Project (HBP) aims to build a collaborative ICT-based scientific research infrastructure. In this webinar we will open the discussion on which Research Infrastructure (RI) framework and financing model is suitable for the HBP with focus on ERIC and ESFRI.
Seminar: Data governance and informed consent
Data on patients, stored in hospitals around the world, provide a valuable resource for research. In this seminar, leading neurologists, personal data managers, experts in bioethics and patient representatives come together to discuss the challenges setting up and participating in ‘big data’ research as suggested by the HBP.
Citizen workshops: Dual use of Human Brain Project’s research
As part of the public engagement endeavors of the HBP, eight citizen consultations were organized in order to learn about the European citizens’ opinions and reflections on potential dual use of HBP research, and to present their ideas and opinions to the researchers and managers of the HBP. The workshops took place in Denmark, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, UK, Malta, and Lithuania.
Workshop: Using big data to understand the human brain and its diseases
The Medical Informatics Platform (MIP) being developed as a part of the Human Brain Project, is currently one of the most promising ICT platforms to share clinical brain data. In order to inform neuroscientists and clinicians in Denmark about the MIP and open a discussion on how Danish hospitals can benefit from the wealth of data, a workshop on how to join the MIP will be held in Copenhagen.
Online citizen survey: Dual use of Human Brain Project’s research
The DBT organized and promoted an online citizen survey in ten European countries. The purpose of the survey was to explore the values, concerns, and hopes of the European citizens regarding HBP research and neuroscience in general, given the circumstance that it could be used by others for political, security, intelligence, or military purposes.
Webinar: Self-tracking in the Human Brain Project
Self-tracking devises are potential key players in the development of personalized and participatory health care and may help to provide health care information beneficial for research and clinical decision making. During an online debate stakeholders and experts discussed the potential of using data tracked by patients and research participants themselves in clinical brain neuroscience
Webinar: Informed consent
Informed consent is a formal agreement that a patient sign to give permission for a medical procedure (such as surgery). In an online debate guest speakers explained the complexity, solutions and trends in relation to informed consent and provided their recommendations for best practise.
Workshop: SP12, EAB and Ethics Rapporteurs joint workshop on dual use
During a half day workshop HBP Ethic Rapporteurs, Ethic and Society (SP12) and the HBP Ethic Advisory Board met to reflect on issues related to potential military and defense applications of HBP research (dual use). The goal was to provide concrete concerns and recommendations to the HBP Opinion on dual use.
Seminar: dual use, future computing, neurorobotics in the Human Brain Project
As any other EU project, HBP is regulated to prevent research and technological development to be used for military or defense purposes (‘dual use’). Nevertheless there might be dual use interests in the project. In a two day seminar, HBP researchers and external experts met to initiate a dialogue on recognition and management of dual use issues in the HBP.